Entrelac is fun, and really quite easy to do. It can be done both in the round, or flat. Instructions follow for both.
Flat Entrelac: For your practice swatch: Start by casting on a multiple of 6 sts (at least 18) and knit one inch in a k2, p2 rib. Knit 3 rows of stockinette stitch (knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row), then turn your work with ws (wrong side) facing and you are ready to begin your base triangles:
BASE TRIANGLES (1 from chart):
On wrong side of work with MC: * P2tog, p1, turn. K2, turn. P3, turn. K3, turn… continue in this manner until you get to p5 * – don’t turn, repeat from * to * across all sts. You’ll have a bunch of weird looking things hanging on your needle.
FIRST SET (2, 3 & 4 from chart):
(2) Change to 3rd color and turn, right side facing. K2, turn. P2, turn. Inc, sssk, turn. P3, turn. Inc, k1, ssk, turn. P4, turn. Inc, k2, ssk.
(3) Pick up 4 sts evenly across the edge you’ve come to, turn. P4, turn. K3, sssk, turn * P4, turn. K3, ssk, turn *. Repeat from * to * until sts of previous color are eliminated, then pick up 4 more sts on next triangle and repeat across row.
(4) When you reach the end, pick up 4 sts on edge of last base triangle. P2tog, p2, turn. K3, turn. P2tog, p1 turn. K2, turn. P2tog. 1 st remains.
SECOND SET (5 from chart):
Change to 2nd color and turn, ws facing. Pick up until you have 4 sts on needle, turn. K4, turn. P3, p2tog, turn. Repeat these 2 rows until all sts from previous rectangle have been worked. Repeat across row.
Repeat entrelac: Change to main color, work first set again, except do ssk instead of sssk from now on. Change to 3rd color and work second set again. Change to 2nd color and work first set again.
FINAL SET (6 from chart): Change to main color. There is 1 st remaining from last row. With WS facing, pick up sts to make 5, turn. K5, turn. Sl1, p3, p2tog, turn. K4, turn. Sl1, p2, p2tog, turn. K3, turn. Sl1, p1, p2tog, turn. K2, turn. Sl1, p2tog. Go to next rectangle. Stop and admire your creation. Already it is magnificent. Go show everyone you know.
When you are back from showing off you will notice your stitches are on your needles like normal except you have increased to multiple of 5 instead of 6 (you have less sts). Work a k2, p2 ribbing for one inch, bind off loosely.

Entrelac in the round: Cast on a multiple of 6 (at least 18sts), join and knit one inch in k2, p2 rib.
BASE TRIANGLES: Turn your work now, because you are going to go backwards. On WS: * P2tog, p1, turn. K2, turn. P3, turn. K3, turn… continue in this manner until you get to p5 * – don’t turn, repeat from * to * across all sts. You’ll have a bunch of weird looking things hanging on your needle. We are now going to change these 5 st triangles to 4 st rectangles so that your hat lays flat.
FIRST SET: (1) Change to 3rd color. Pick up 4 sts evenly across the edge you’ve come to, turn: [K3, sssk, turn * P4, turn. K3, ssk, turn *. Repeat from * to * until sts of previous color are eliminated.] Pick up 4 more sts on next edge, p4, turn. Repeat instructions in brackets above. Work same across row.
SECOND SET: Change to 2nd color and turn, wrong side facing. On facing edge, pick up until you have 4 sts on needle, turn. [P3, p2tog, turn. K4, turn. Repeat these 2 rows until all sts from previous rectangle have been worked.] Pick up 4 more sts on next edge, k4, turn. Repeat instructions in brackets. Work same across row.
Change to main color and work first set again, except do ssk instead of sssk. Change to 3rd color and work second set again. Change to 2nd color and work first set again.
FINAL SET: Change to main color. Pick up 5 sts, turn. P4, p2tog, turn. [K4, turn. Sl1, p2, p2tog, turn. K3, turn. Sl1, p1, p2tog, turn. K2, turn. Sl1, p2tog.] Go to next rectangle. Pick up 5 sts, turn. K5, turn. Sl1, p3, p2tog, turn. Repeat instructions in brackets. Work same across row.