Invisible Cast On

Use this invisible cast on technique on any knitting pattern project where you will be coming back to your cast-on edge and picking up sts later.

An Invisible Cast-On

Try this on any knitting pattern project where you will be coming back to your cast-on edge and picking up sts later.

OPEN CAST ON: Tie nylon string and yarn together in slip knot, and slip onto needle; hold in right hand. Insert thumb and 1st finger of left hand between string and yarn; yarn is over thumb in front and string is over finger in back, grab loose ends with other fingers.

LOOP 1: Dip needle down into triangle, grabbing side 2 from bottom; slip it off your thumb and tighten.

LOOP 2: Twist back of left hand toward you and dip needle down, grabbing side 2 from back, slip loop off thumb and tighten. Repeat. String should run straight along bottom of needle. 

Note: When picking up beginning sts eliminate slip knot on first row, k in the back of twisted sts.