Two Color Knitting
There are several ways to work two color knitting. In working a knitting pattern with 2 or more colors you can use bobbins; stranding, carrying, or slip stitches.
Stranding means to carry the contrasting color, and main color, yarns along the wrong side of the work, knitting with each color as indicated on the color chart.
This is usually done with one color in the right hand, and the other color in the left hand. Some knitters will carry both colors in the same hand, switching back and forth between the one they want.
You don’t want to carry a strand more than 5 sts without catching it in the other color yarn. Some Nordic patterns say you can carry 7 sts, but I think that’s stretching it.

Slipping: Slipping can be done with colored bobbles for some pretty neat effects, with different color strands for each row, or with one color to make textures such as honeycomb patterns. In all these patterns you work with one strand per row, “slipping” the sts that will be the other color the next row – or pulling colors up a few rows.?

Bobbins: A bobbin is a small item, such as a circle of cardboard, wound with yarn. Bobbins are used when you are making blocks of color that stop and are not carried along the full length of the work.
Argyle uses bobbins and each triangle is composed of a single strand of yarn. You would also use bobbins if there was a contrasting color pattern placed on a background of the main color – or if there is a band of color patterns that are too far apart to strand.